At Mhepo Media, we adhere to a strict editorial policy. We do not get paid for endorsements or reviews of any product or service, nor do we allow advertisers to place paid content on our sites.
Mhepo Media is an independent company. We only write about companies and products that we want you, the consumer, to know about. We do however make money from links and offers from some companies and deals on our sites.
For example, you may see a deals roundup or a credit card comparison/review page with links to particular products or cards in a story. After the story is written, our advertising team will look and replace links to those products/sites that will pay us a commission if they gain a customer.
Many of the retailers/banks on that page may have no relationship with us, in which case we receive no compensation. Mhepo Media does not include the entire universe of available credit or financial offers on our sites. While this helps us pay the bills, the trust that you have in us is our number one priority and always will be.